Wellness Program & Events
We can’t wait to have you joining us for this exciting wellness journey! Attend our talks and get yourself active starting from TODAY!

Resistance Band Exercises
Let's work out with the quick 6 Strength Exercises to improve balance, gait and flexibility. It can be done anytime, anywhere and at your own pace.

Health and Wellness Talks
We offer a wide range of health and wellness related talks. Whatever your needs may be, there will be something for everyone right here!

Yoga Wellness
A holistic approach to empower individual towards a positive and healthier balanced lives. Embark your wellness journey and recharge your body and mind with us now!

Health and Wellness Talks
We offer a range of health and wellness related talks that help individuals to lead a healthy eating and active lifestyle, weight management and reducing the risk for chronic illnesses. Our talks are designed to inform and educate the public on healthy living and staying positive by professional TCM physicians, dietitians and nutritionists.

Resistance Band Exercises
The quick 6 Strength Exercises helps in toning major muscle groups, getting rid of excessive fats, and strengthening bones. By engaging in resistance band exercises in 30-minutes sessions keep us strong and healthy, improve balance, gait and flexibility.
Resistance Bands are a great workout tool, not only as they are super affordable, transportable and versatile. They are also super easy to pack and whip out in small space.
This program is suitable and beneficial for workout newbies, young adults and seniors adults too!
Our health buddy will sure to motivate and help you to reach your goal together.

Yoga Wellness
Yoga is not just about being able to pose complicated movements. It is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person’s well-being and personal growth.
Its helps you to relax, slowing down your pace, ease stress and anxiety level. It helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improves respiration, energy and vitality.
Yoga works well in sharpening your concentration as well, especially important for children. While it seems like doing simple stretching, but it can actually do much more for your body from the way you feel, look and move that lead you a positive and healthier balanced lives.